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Soundtracks for Your Novels

So, other than announcing officially on social media that Only Skin Deep, Book I in the Selkie Chronicles is dropping November 29th, 2019, and I’m doing an author meet and greet over at Mysterious Galaxy (…nothing much is happening.

Some of you may have noticed that I’ve got a spot for some tunes over there on my “Explore the Story” section of the website. I’ll be changing out songs weekly so if you’re a regular visitor, you’ll get to hear lots of groovy songs! You can also always go on over to my YouTube channel and check out my playlists.

( Most of them are soundtracks for my novels, but some are my personal playlists.

In case you haven’t figured it out, music is an integral part of my life and my writing. The real reason I have the YouTube account is for the playlists! I’m one of those people who steps out the door and wishes there was some kind of soundtrack going to greet me along with the day. I also wish that sometimes, an entire street would break out into a song and dance number like they do in a musical or a Bollywood film.

Though I tend to have music that I gravitate toward when I write different things, I can pretty much listen to anything while I write because music is far less distracting than complete silence. Complete silence and blank walls make me nervous. I even have to sleep with a fan on at night so the white noise will lull me to sleep and keep me there.

Was that TMI just now… Yeah? Sorry…

I’ve taken to developing soundtracks for my novels recently.  I know, it’s just another one of those things that writers do when they should be writing, but it helps sometimes.  Those songs can set the mood I need for the scene I’m about to write or help me get inside the head of a character. I really got into big band swing when I was writing my first novel since it took place in 1940. (No, This Pale Mortal Shell was not my first novel). I can also hear certain songs and think of a particular character.  For example, my bodysnatching ghost villain, Tristan Thorn, has a theme song.  It’s “He’s Evil” by the Kinks.  Every time I hear that song, I think of T, especially the line: “He wants your body, not your mind.” 

So, go ahead and turn up the volume, strap on your headphones, or put in your earbuds.  Let the music take you.  I swear, it works!

If you want to know more about the music or anything else, drop me a line through the contact form or by emailing me at

Coming next month: What a Character: Musings and advice on creating loveable (or hateable) characters

I’ll also have some other exciting news for you regarding future projects!

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